Red roses, gerberas and carnations – accented with faux grapes, pears and a pomegranate, plus pinecones, cinnamon sticks and mixed evergreens – are arranged in a dish around three 12” taper candles.
Approximately 25" (W) x 16" (H)
The bountiful joy of the season is brought home to your holiday table with this magnificent harvest-themed candle centerpiece, featuring an abundance of garden elements including grapes, pears, a pomegranate and cinnamon sticks, arranged with fresh flowers and evergreens around three tall red tapers. A beautiful way to create a new tradition this year.
Red roses, gerberas and carnations – accented with faux grapes, pears and a pomegranate, plus pinecones, cinnamon sticks and mixed evergreens – are arranged in a dish around three 12” taper candles.
Approximately 25" (W) x 16" (H)